Our “Skirball” Monthly Meetings provide broad scope lessons by 2 expert keynote speakers that volunteer their time to educate our members and non-members. These meetings are for investors with some experience, not necessarily for beginners . . . seasoned investors as well will gain vital information that will benefit their investing knowledge for a more sound and successful market endeavor. Beginners may benefit or consider a fundamentals course.
About Our Skirball/Webinar Meetings
LOCATION: Magnin Auditorium, Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049
LOCATION: Your Computer, Tablet or Smart Phone
QUESTIONS? Contact Fred Wallace, Email: Fredwallace77@gmail.com, or Call: 310-306-0911
Our Scheduled Skirball/Webinar Monthly Meetings
Archived Skirball/Webinar Monthly Meeting
Presentations and Schedule